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Missed Appointments

string-around-fingerOur business thrives on an hour by hour appointment scheduling process. When we schedule for an hour, this naturally means we are turning down others for that same time slot. It is in both of our best interests that scheduled appointments are maintained.

However, we understand and fully anticipate that clients will need to cancel from time to time. Yet, even in the event of emergencies, we are stil unable to recoup lost time. As our treatment providers depend on billable time for their livelihood, for all cancellation needs, including emergencies, our cancellation policies are as follows (as per our Informed Consent which clients agree to upon initiating services):

  • With at least 24 hours notice, appointments can be cancelled and rescheduled free of charge.
  • Canceled or missed appointments that were not cancelled at least 24 hours ahead of time are simply “lost” and cannot be made up. The applicable session fee is still charged.
  • Rescheduling of any sessions for any reasons (emergencies, non-emergiences, charged, without charge, etc.) is at the sole discretion of Change, Inc., and can only occur a maximum of 3 times. Clients requiring more than 3 rescheduled appointments will no longer be seen.