Supervision Post-Session Online Evaluation (SPSOE) The following statements describe some of the ways a person may feel about a clinical supervisor and/or clinical supervision, as well as the at-large environment. Reflect on your most immediate supervision session, and then answer to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please select the answer which matches your opinion most closely. Your evaluation is submitted to the Clinical Direction Team and your supervisor. NOTE: Please note that "Neutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)" should be used only to convey *that* feedback -- that you are "neutral" or "neither agree nor disagree" with the statement in that item. If you wish to indicate that the statement in that item was not discussed or otherwise simply did not apply, please select "N/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision session." The "N/A" option is only available for "content" items (i.e., items which refer to specific or more tangible/concrete data points), rather than "process" items which ask you to evaluate relationship, your internal impressions, etc. Please ask the CD/ACD if you have questions prior to completing your eval! Clinician Name(Required) First Last Clinician Email(Required) Supervisor Name(Required) First Last Supervisor Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email A copy of this review will be sent to the email provided.Date of Supervision Being Evaluated (MM/DD/YY)(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Date this Review is Being Submitted (MM/DD/YY)(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY My supervisor was respectful of my views and ideas.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor had a collaborative approach in supervision.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI felt safe in my supervision session, where safety is defined as "the ability talk about difficult issues with the trust what is said will be heard and explored as a means to deepen the supervisory relationship/process or resolve presented issues, rather than ignored, discounted, or unduly criticized."(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor was non-judgmental in supervision.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor was open-minded in supervision.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeFeedback on my performance from my supervisor felt like an attack.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionI was able to discuss my concerns with my supervisor openly.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor treated me like an adult.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor was enthusiastic about supervising me.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor appeared interested in me as a person.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI felt like a burden to my supervisor.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor paid attention to my spoken feelings and anxieties.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor appeared interested in my development as a professional.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor encouraged me to reflect on my practice.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor linked theoretical/conceptual knowledge and clinical practice/practical know-how well.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor encouraged me to learn by experimenting with different therapeutic techniques, styles, or approaches.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor paid attention to my unspoken feelings and anxieties.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor was knowledgeable.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI respect my supervisor’s skills.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy supervisor gave me practical support.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor gave me helpful negative feedback on my performance.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor gave me helpful positive feedback on my performance.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor did not consider the impact of my previous skills and experience on my learning needs.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A -- did not apply/was not discussed/was not a part of this supervision sessionMy supervisor talked too much/did not give me sufficient space to ask questions or otherwise discuss relevant issues.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI experienced myself as open to feedback.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI was honest.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI found myself frustrated with my supervisor and/or the supervisory process.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI am satisfied with supervision overall.(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral (Neither Agree nor Disagree)DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI have pressing concerns I would like to speak with the CD/ACD about prior to my next supervision session.(Required)NoYesImportant clarifications/qualifications/additions about my answers above, this supervision session, or supervision in-general. Please refer to specific items above when appropriate, and be as clear and direct as possible.CAPTCHA Δ