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Request for Consideration Surrounding Desire to Change Counselors

Switch Counselors Questionnaire (SCQ)

Change, Inc. does not support transitioning between individual therapists (i.e., going from one individual therapist to another by simple choice). To explain, as you might imagine, clients have a wide variety of presenting struggles and motivations for entering therapy, and subsequently, for continuing or discontinuing their therapeutic work with a particular therapist. For example, a client who has family of origin struggles with a father-figure might balk at seeing a therapist who identifies as male, when in fact, the discomfort the client is seeking to avoid may precisely be what is necessary to help work through their historical struggle (NOTE: this is just an example, and an imperfect one). Of course, this is not always the case -- sometimes clients have simply decided that they'd like to work with someone else for reasons that are not problematic. Yet, because we can't always tell which is which, we generally refrain from allowing clients to "hop." So, we strive very hard to make a good fit on the first try, and ask clients to make good on their Informed Consent Agreement with us, which asks that you give us 90-days of treatment to determine effectiveness as early therapy jitters are often resolved. However, when clients present with a desire surrounding changing therapists, we do take those concerns seriously, and have developed a process whereby we evaluate making an exception to the above-policy. This form will help us gather the information we need to determine whether we can initiate that process.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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